Purified Colloida Photo-Grade Gelatin can be used in daylight. Use about 40-80gr for one liter of warm water and agitate continuously until dissolved.

 ADOX COLLOIDA C = Coating Gelatin

Apply this gelatin onto various surfaces intended to be coated with the ADOX PWE liquid emulsion to prevent a waste of emulsion by soaking into the support materials.
Also suitable for improving the glazing on FB prints, or for alternative print processes where you make your own gelatin emulsion.

Dissolve 40-80 gr of pure gelatin in 1 Liter of 40°C Celsius water and stir continuously.


ADOX COLLOIDA R = Ripening Gelatin.

This gelatin is added after the precipitation at the ripening stage of a photographic emulsion. It is technically inert but has a very mild chemical activity to increase the film´s speed.


ADOX Colloida P = Precipitation Gelatin

Purified gelatin with the right bloom and calcium values to be used to make photographic emulsions.