We coated a first trial with CHS 100 II emulsion in Marly about a month ago. The samples were photographically analized and found to be good. Since we had some leftovers Franz had the brilliant idea to cut them up to 4x5 Inch and Bijan stuck them in our Linhof Camera and took this nice group...

We started working on the coater and web. After 10 years of sleep the Agfa technology was woken up and adopted. Later we will merge her with Ilford´s Swiss technololy. The dry construction guys (actually a girl) finished the walls of the melting and coating control room. Once the dust has cleared we can continue on... 17.7.2018: The first part is finished. 5.10.2018: The antistatic components as well as all overhauled black rollers are back in place. New knife shafts and knives are in. The web transport was overhauled and adjusted. Only the knife shaft downholder is still in production. We try to make a first slitting despite next week on a thin base.   Januarry...

In March and April works continued as planned. The coating alley now has the walking floors, the coolhouse doors are mounted and the melting room is being installed.   [caption id="attachment_6716" align="aligncenter" width="4032"] Wall elements for the tiles in the chemical preparation[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_6717" align="aligncenter" width="3956"] Walking floors inside the coating alley. The "soccer field" in the foreground...

A bit of time has lapsed after the last update and we had inquiries if the project is continued at all. This can be answered with a clear "yes". The immediate follow up question ususally is: When will Polywarmtone be available? This question cannot be answered easily. Everything in photo chemistry is outrageoulsy complex and cannot be...

Today the concrete floor has been poured and polished. Now it needs to dry for about 4 weeks. After this the works can continue. [caption id="attachment_6565" align="aligncenter" width="4032"] Polishing[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6564" align="aligncenter" width="4032"] Two days later we cerafully walked on the floor and slit it so it breaks evenly during drydown.[/caption]...

The new ADOSTOP is here. We applied the following changes: 100% citric acid as an active ingredient (no acetic acid part) Dismissal of the Biozide Water soluble indicator without solvent Advantages of the new recipe: Almost completely odourless when mixed Biodegradable / Non toxic No falling out of the indicator ADOSTOP ECO is the first product entirely...

We were lucky with the weather and building the factory went uninterrupted. The roof has been covered and the windows arrived. The doors are still missing and then we can poor the concrete for the floor.   [caption id="attachment_6435" align="aligncenter" width="3024"] On top of the coating tower "the coater" resides. The white pipes are the floor heating.[/caption] ...

The erecting of the coating tower has started. It is placed on a separate foundation which is separated from the environment via non-interacting separators. On top of it the coating table will be placed which is again decoupled from the tower so that the coater feels comfortable and cosy. Below: View from the machine axis. In...